ENT Neck surgery
Neck or cervical surgery is a speciality of ENT surgery which essentially covers the following operations: thyroglossal tract cysts, cysts and fistulas of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th branchial arches, sternal cyst or fistula, bnaso palatal cyst, cystic lymphangioma, adenectomy, exploratory cervicotomy, cervical lymph node dissection,
The aim is to rule out an embryonic malformation, make a histological diagnosis of a lymph node or rule out cancer.
These procedures are performed on adults and children.
Below is a summary of the neck surgery performed by Dr Antoine Delagranda, ENT surgeon at La Roche-sur-Yon in the Vendée. Please click to see the detailed page for each operation.
Embryonic cervicofacial malformations
The human body is continually renewed throughout life, but it is constructed at the embryonic and foetal stages. Organs are created during embryogenesis during pregnancy from primordial tissue layers (endoderm, ectoderm, mesoderm). These new pre-organic structures are the result of fusions, sutures and also the disappearance of tissues. Sometimes anatomical elements that should have disappeared persist in areas of fusion or suture. These are known as “embryonic malformations”. The face and neck are complex anatomical areas where embryonic persistence is not uncommon. They take the form of cysts and fistulas that can become infected and complicated.
Cervical adenopathy
The neck is the site of a rich lymphatic drainage network punctuated by lymph nodes. Naturally present, they should not exceed 1 to 1.5 cm in size in perfect health. The lymph nodes may become too large, be felt by palpating the neck or even be visible by deforming the neck. The ENT specialist will prescribe an assessment tailored to each case (imaging, blood biology). He will also perform an excisional biopsy or adenectomy if necessary to obtain a histological diagnosis during an exploratory cervicotomy.
Do you have a question? Need more information?
Dr Antoine Delagranda will be happy to answer any questions you may have about ENT neck surgery. Dr Delagranda is a specialist in ENT surgery at the Clinique Saint Charles in La Roche-sur-Yon in the Vendée.
ENT consultation for neck surgery in Vendée
Dr Antoine Delagranda will be happy to answer any questions you may have about neck surgery. Dr Delagranda is a specialist in ENT surgery at the Clinique Saint Charles in La Roche-sur-Yon in the Vendée.